The Anarchist Pedagogies Collective (APC) is a digital meeting place that promotes anarchist pedagogical practices based on the principles of freedom, collective self-organisation and direct action, mutual care, and mutual aid. We seek to create a space where people can exchange ideas and experiences, share resources, and promote projects and events associated with anarchist practices across borders and languages. We support people in building spaces that enable them to practice collective self-organisation and individual learning while growing local and international relationships. Our intention is to expand alternatives as part of a larger liberatory framework with the goal of abolishing formal education systems along with all other oppressive systems because it directly leads to the maintenance, support, and development of all the capitalist systems.
We are committed to:
- Creating a space that actively includes and platforms voices that are commonly overlooked, frequently devalued, and oppressed. This includes providing support for informal and loosely structured learning spaces as well as structured learning. As part of this, we also acknowledge and critique extractive practices around sharing knowledge and commit to working towards learning among ourselves and with others.
- Having zero tolerance for bigotry of any kind and continuing to unlearn internalised bigotries as a result of our upbringing. This includes reflecting upon the harm that we’ve enacted (intentional or otherwise) through the systems and cultures we exist within, such as how are our participation in state structures can continue and exacerbate the oppression of others regardless of our identities.
- Building a range of learning spaces that are both accessible to and organised by people of all ages. We believe that intergenerational and multigenerational learning is important as they help us to develop deeper and more sustainable connections within communities. As part of this commitment, we recognise that we must resist adultism and adult supremacy as they are serious oppressions that are often neglected.
- Bringing together both practical experience and theoretical knowledge, building a space that helps focus on the multiple needs that come with people existing in different geographic locations, within different cultures, and across languages.
- Refusing to create hierarchies of knowledge and valuing different experiences and expertise. We seek to relate horizontally to each other, recognising that all of us have both things to learn and share.
- Actively working towards becoming a supportive activist space while refusing to become an academic one. Academia has its own oppressive structures, and it is not possible to “decolonise” an institution that was built to further settler-colonialism and imperialism. Liberatory solutions cannot be found in academia, as the overwhelming majority of them require that academia be dismantled in the same way as the compulsory school system. This does not mean that we hold an inherent disdain for people within compulsory school and academic systems, but it does mean that we do not view their experiences and knowledge as being more important or above those of others.
- Attempting to construct supportive communities where people can safely learn and collaborate. While we recognise that current systems make many tasks either difficult or impossible, we also do not believe that we should actively support or maintain harmful institutions, especially those that act as agents of the state.
- Committing to a focus on practice by creating spaces in which we can exist and learn as anarchists. We cannot be anarchists without direct action that is connected to our principles and furthers the liberation of all. If someone only has an academic curiosity or theoretical understanding of anarchism, they have an incomplete and detached view which often leads to extractive behaviours to further their own career.
- Refusing to capitalise on our activities, resources, and collective knowledge.
We will prioritise collaborating with people, groups, and collectives who have shown that they are aligned with these commitments.