Since our first ever School Revolt Festival, we’ve decided to take a step back and do some internal learning. This learning has brought us to a conclusion that we are much more than a network and that our values were not articulated in a way we found inspiring.

And so, we are proud to share with you that the Anarchist Pedagogies Network is, from now on, the Anarchist Pedagogies Collective! This isn’t just a name change. It comes with a deep rethinking of our values and commitments. You can read more about those on our About Us page.

What does it mean for the future? The Anarchist Pedagogies Collective is still here for you. We are still committed to a kind of learning that is inclusive, revolutionary, and filled with love and care. We are still committed to abolition. We are still interested in making spaces that are for genuine mutual aid. 

We have many plans for the future, including more workshops, podcast episodes, and creative projects. But we also want to imagine a better world with you. Come talk to us, suggest your best ideas, and we can make them happen together!

Love and solidarity,